generated: 2024-10-22 09:16:56

Program at a Glance

Wednesday May 29, 2024
1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Thursday May 30, 2024
7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
7:15 AM - 8:45 AM
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
2:45 PM - 4:15 PM
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Friday May 31, 2024
7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
7:15 AM - 8:15 AM
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

AERE Program

47. Registration Desk Open [N/A]
Wednesday | 1:00 pm-6:00 pm | Independence Ballroom Foyer
2. Frontier Economic Applications using Mobility Data [Organized Session (Research Presentations)]
Wednesday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Declaration B

Organizers: Xibo Wan, University of Connecticut; Jiameng Zheng, University Of Illinois At Urbana Champaign; Wendong Zhang, Cornell University; Ruohao Zhang, Pennsylvania State University;
Chair: Xibo Wan, University of Connecticut
  • Using mobility data to estimate comprehensive water quality benefits. .....Jiameng Zheng, University Of Illinois At Urbana Champaign; Yoojin Cha, University of Texas at Austi; Daniel Douglas, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Dimitris Friesen, University of Wisconsin, Madiso; Yusuke Kuwayama, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Sheila Olmstead, University of Texas at Austin and RFF; and Daniel Phaneuf, University of Wisconsin, Madiso
  • When Nature Turns Hazy: How Wildfire Smoke Affects Outdoor Recreation. .....Wendong Zhang, Cornell University; Xibo Wan, University of Connecticut; and Yau-Huo (Jimmy) Shr, National Taiwan University
  • Unlocking Insights While Preserving Privacy in Mobility Data: A Case Study of Abortion Clinics. .....Xibo Wan, University of Connecticut; Mike Vo, University of Connecticut; Connolly Cristina, University of Connecticut; and Steinbach Sandro, North Dakota State U
  • From Awareness to Action: Assessing PFAS Exposure in Communities and Evaluating the Effectiveness of its Mitigation Strategies. .....Ruohao Zhang, Pennsylvania State University; Xibo Wan, University of Connecticut; Jiameng Zheng, University Of Illinois At Urbana Champaign; Wendong Zhang, Cornell University; and Yongwang Ren, The Pennsylvania State University
3. Organized Session (OSTP) - Frontiers of Benefit-Cost Analysis: Federal Priorities for Future Research [Organized Session (Panel/Roundtable)]
Wednesday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Declaration A

Chair: Jeffrey Shrader, Columbia University

  • Mike Geruso, Council of Economic Advisors;
  • Emily Pindilli, Office of Science and Technology Policy;
  • Aaron Kearsley, Dept. of Health and Human Services;
  • Christian Crowley, Dept. of Interior;
4. Electric Vehicles - Policy [Regular Session]
Wednesday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Banneker
  • Recharged: Used electric vehicles and the clean vehicle tax credit. .....Cody Nehiba, Environmental Protection Agency; and Justin Tyndall, University of Hawaii, Manoa
  • Optimal Allocation of Electric Vehicle Subsidies: Consumer or Dealer (or Both). .....Thao Duong, Texas A&M University; and Stephanie Weber, University of Colorado - Boulder
  • Two Birds, One Stone: Complementarities and Optimal Targeting of Electric Vehicle and Solar PV Subsidies. .....Jacob Bradt, Harvard University; and Frank Pinter, Federal Trade Commission
  • Learning by Doing in the Global Electric Vehicle Battery Industry and Implications for Government Policies. .....Shanjun Li, Cornell University; Panle Barwick, University of Wisconsin, Madiso; Nahim Zahur, Queen’s University; and Hyuk-soo Kwon, Stanford University
5. Pollution - Markets [Regular Session]
Wednesday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Independence F
  • The differential benefits of market-based water pollution control policy. .....Zach Raff, USDA ERS; Andrew Meyer, Marquette University; and Arthur Wardle, University of California, Berkeley
  • Methane and Markets: Firm Incentives to Emit. .....Coly Elhai, Harvard University; and Toren Fronsdal, Harvard University
  • Pollution Liability Insurance and Corporate Environmental Compliance in China. .....Alecia Cassidy, University of Alabama, Department of Economics, Finance, and Legal Studies; Fan Wu, CEIBS; and Yiyuan Zhang, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
  • Testing interactions of multiple greenhouse gas taxes and quantity controls: using open-source CGE modelling and data for the United States.. .....Eli Lazarus, Stanford University; David Anthoff, UC Berkeley; and Thomas Rutherford, University of Wisconsin, Madiso
6. Agriculture I [Regular Session]
Wednesday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Independence G
  • Climate Change and Crop Choice: Evidence from a Global Panel. .....Andrew Hultgren, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign; Solomon Hsiang, UC Berkeley; David Lobell, Stanford University; Michael Roberts, University of Hawaii, Manoa; and Wolfram Schlenker, Columbia University
  • Climate Change Beliefs, Payment for Ecosystem Services, and Adaptation: Evidence from Cocoa Farmers in Ghana. .....Yunyu Shu, Brown Univeristy; and Jiayue Zhang, Brown University
  • Adapting Nitrogen Management to Climate Change: Evidence from On-farm Field Experiments in Iowa. .....Guilherme DePaula, Iowa State University; Eseul Choi, Iowa State university; Peter Kyveryga, Iowa State university; and Suzanne Fey, Iowa Soybean Association
  • Developing Practical Measures of the Price of Pesticide Resistance: A Flexible Computational Framework with Global Sensitivity Analysis. .....Zachary Brown, NC State University; Chanheung Cho, North Carolina State University; Daniel Tregeagle, North Carolina State University; and Kevin Gross, North Carolina State University
7. Droughts and Water Scarcity [Regular Session]
Wednesday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Independence H
  • Endogenous Investment in Electricity Generating Technologies Due to Drought. .....Lena Harris, University of Rochester
  • Extreme Weather Shocks and the Low Carbon Transition in the Power Sector - Evidence from Droughts in China. .....Jing Cao, Tsinghua University; and Yu Zhang, Tsinghua University
  • Studying the Impact of Drought on Farmland Values through a Hedonic Price Analysis of Farmland Transactions in Contiguous US. .....Aakanksha Melkani, University of Nebraska; Taro Mieno, University of Nebraska, Lincol; R. Aaron Hrozencik, USDA Economic Research Service; Renata Rimsaite, University of Nebraska, Lincol; and Nicholas Brozovic, University of Nebraska, Lincol
8. Natural Disasters [Regular Session]
Wednesday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Independence I
  • Saving Lives Versus Life Years: Public Preferences During a Major Disaster. .....Richard Carson, University of California - San Diego; Helena Cardenas-Diaz, The Nature Conservancy; Michael Hanemann, Arizona State University; and Dale Whittington, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  • Hurricanes and Persistent Crime Reduction. .....Kevin Berry, University of Alaska, Anchorage; Jacob Gellman, University of Alaska Anchorage; Hannah Hennighausen, University of Alaska, Anchorage; and Brett Watson, University of Alaska, Anchorage
  • The Impact of Natural Disasters on Businesses and Consumers: Evidence from Hurricane Harvey. .....Eric Lewis, Texas A&M University; Fernando Luco, Texas A&M University; and Ben Klopack, Texas A&M University
  • Disruption in Ground Transportation: The Effect of Landslides on Food Market Integration. .....Gustavo Nino, University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign
9. Housing - Residential Sorting [Regular Session]
Wednesday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Penn Quarter A
  • Examining Amenity Valuation amid Information Friction in a Residential Sorting Model: Evidence from Changes in Noise Pollution. .....Jasdeep Mandia, Arizona State University
  • Coastal Policy Simulation with a Flood-risk-based Dynamic Sorting Model. .....Zhenshan Chen, Virginia Tech; and Charles Towe, University of Connecticut
  • Drought Response in the Western United States: Household Location Choices and Housing Market Feedback. .....Mingzhou Shen, The Pennsylvania State University; Qin Fan, California State University, Fresno; Karen Fisher-Vanden, Pennsylvania State University; and Douglas Wrenn, Pennsylvania State University
  • How do homebuyers interpret numeric flood risk scores? Evidence from an incentivized flood risk training task. .....Timothy Hyde, University of Pennsylvania; and Dolores Albarracin, University of Pennsylvania
10. Migration [Regular Session]
Wednesday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Penn Quarter B
  • Migration and Savings in a Warming World. .....Alexander Abajian, UC Santa Barbara
  • Migration in a Warming World: A Dynamic Discrete Choice Model of Climate-Induced Mobility in Mexico. .....Robert Baluja, University of Arizona
  • Climate Changes, Migration, and the Geography of the European Economy. .....Sylvain Leduc, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco; and Daniel Wilson, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
  • Winters of discontent. .....Casey Wichman, Georgia Institute of Technology
11. Energy - Energy Efficiency and Electrification [Regular Session]
Wednesday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Tiber Creek AB
  • Agents of Change? – Energy advisors and the performance of energy efficiency assistance program. .....Bettina Chlond, Heidelberg University, Germany; Timo Goeschl, Heidelberg University; Martin Kesternich, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) Mannheim; and Madeline Werthschulte, Heidelberg University
  • Understanding Residential Hot Water Heating Energy Efficiency Incentives via A Conjoint Survey Analysis. .....Alexander Rosenberg, ICF Inc.; Anna Belova, ICF; Caitlyn Ackerman, ICF; Voigt George, ICF; Karen Ehrhardt-Martinez, ICF; and Monica Pagnotta, ICF
  • How much do connected households in Sierra Leone value enhanced electricity service reliability?. .....Rafia Zaman, Duke University; and Marc Jeuland, Duke University
  • Charging Infrastructure and the Environmental Advantage of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. .....Johannes Gessner, ABT Associates; Wolfgang Habla, School of Business, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Villingen-Schwenningen; Benjamin Ruebenacker, University of Mannheim; and Ulrich Wagner, University of Mannheim
12. America's Trillion Dollar Climate Investment [Plenary Session]
Wednesday | 5:00 pm-6:00 pm | Independence East

Chair: Joseph Aldy, Harvard Kennedy School

  • Karen Palmer, Resources for the Future;
  • Arik Levinson, Georgetown University and U.S. Department of the Treasury;
  • Lori Bennear, Duke University;
  • Nathaniel Keohane, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions;
13. Welcome Reception [N/A]
Wednesday | 6:00 pm-7:00 pm | Independence Ballroom Foyer
47. Registration Desk Open [N/A]
Thursday | 7:00 am-5:30 pm | Independence Ballroom Foyer
48. Continental Breakfast [N/A]
Thursday | 7:15 am-8:45 am | Independence East/West
16. Equity and Environmental Justice [Organized Session (Research Presentations)]
Thursday | 9:00 am-10:30 am | Lafayette Park
  • Riding the Waves: Inequality and Adaptation to Extreme Temperatures in a Changing Climate. .....Stephie Fried, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
  • As Time Goes By: Redlining, Kinship and Environmental Justice. .....Kaiyi Wen, Binghamton University; and Neha Khanna, Binghamton University
  • Information shocks and the capitalization of environmental disamenities. .....Jaeyong (Danny) Han, Duke University; Christopher Timmins, University of Wisconsin, Madiso; Paige Weber, University of California, Berkeley; and Ben Weintraut, Duke University
  • Trends in joint exposure to environmental stressors in overburdened communities. .....Danae Hernandez-Cortes, Arizona State University; Megan Jehn, Arizona State University; and Glenn Sheriff, Arizona State University
17. Public Goods and Pro-social Behavior [Regular Session]
Thursday | 9:00 am-10:30 am | Farragut Square
  • Public Good Provision and Compensating Variation. .....Daniel Karney, Ohio University; and Khyati Malik, The Ohio State University
  • Estimating Demand When Turning a Public Bad into an Impure Public Good. .....Molly Doruska, Cornell University; Christoper Barrett, Cornell University; Samba Mbaye, Universite Gaston-Berger; and Jason Rohr, University of Notre Dame
  • Behavioral Nudges and the Cost of Pro-social Behavior: Evidence from the Lab. .....David Campoverde, University of Wyoming; Todd Cherry, University of Wyoming; David McEvoy, Appalachian State University; Tanga Mohr, Appalachian State University; and Klaas van 't Veld, University of Wyoming
  • Motivating participation in forest protection: Social co-benefits causing program enrollment.. .....Ivan Gonzalez, Ruhr University Bochum; Andreas Löschel, Ruhr-University Bochum; and Martin Kesternich, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) Mannheim
18. Energy - Coal [Regular Session]
Thursday | 9:00 am-10:30 am | Independence B
  • Modelling Competition in the Global Coal and Gas Market. .....Ian Hardman, UC Berkeley; and Frank Wolak, Stanford University
  • Coal Phase-out in a Second-Best Setting: Evidence from China’s Central Heating Ban. .....Ruozi Song, The World Bank; Antonio Bento, University of Southern California; and Bing Zhang, Nanjing University
  • The Local Economic and Welfare Consequences of Demand Shocks for Coal Country. .....Daniel Kraynak, United States Environmental Protection Agency
  • Transitional Costs and the Decline of Coal: Worker-Level Evidence. .....John Voorheis, US Census Bureau; Eva Lyubich, US Census Bureau; Eleanor Krause, Harvard University; and Jonathan Colmer, University of Virginia
19. Energy - Climate Change [Regular Session]
Thursday | 9:00 am-10:30 am | Independence C
  • To Abate or to Generate: Climate Policies and Electricity Prices. .....Kathrine von Graevenitz, ZEW and University of Mannheim; and Elisa Rottner, ZEW Mannheim
  • Climate Change and Irrigation Electricity in US. .....R. Aaron Hrozencik, USDA Economic Research Service; Mani Rouhi Rad, Texas A&M University; Dilek Uz, University of Nevada, Reno; and Liqing Li, Texas A&M University
  • Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation of the Electricity Grid: Evidence from the European Balancing Energy Markets. .....Antonio Bento, University of Southern California; Francesco Colelli, Ca' Foscari University of Venice and CMCC; and Vanshika Fotedar, University of Southern California
  • Firm Responses to Electricity Shortages: Evidence from the Fukushima Nuclear Accidents. .....Takanao Tanaka, University of California, Berkeley; and Daiji Kawaguchi, University of Tokyo
20. Pollution - Pollution Control [Regular Session]
Thursday | 9:00 am-10:30 am | Independence D
  • Economic benefits of methane action. .....Simon Dietz, London School of Economics; James Rising, University of Delaware; and Thomas Stoerk, National Bank of Belgium & LSE
  • Local Carbon Policies Reduce CO2 Emissions: Evidence from New York City. .....Trevor Dean Arnold, Cornell University
  • The Impact of Municipal Mergers on Pollution Control: Evidence of River Pollution in Japan. .....Kazuki Motohashi, Hitotsubashi University; and Michiyoshi Toya, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan
  • Spatial Modeling of Household Fertilizer Behavior: Implications for Nonpoint Nutrient-Reduction Programs and Coastal Water Quality. .....David Newburn, University of Maryland, College Park; Wang Haoluan, University of Miami; Rachel Lei-Parent, University of Connecticut; Robert Johnston, Clark University; Jaime Vaudrey, University of Connecticut; David Dickson, University of Connecticut; Tom Ndebele, Clark University; and Derek Wietelman, University of Maryland
21. Health - Mothers, Infants, and Children [Regular Session]
Thursday | 9:00 am-10:30 am | Independence E
  • Perinatal Health Effects of Herbicides: Glyphosate, Roundup, and the Roll-Out of GM Crops. .....Edward Rubin, University of Oregon; and Emmett Saulnier, US EPA and University of Oregon
  • Water quality & infant health implications of tropical cyclones. .....Isaiah Bryant, University of Kentucky
  • MiningLeaks: Water Pollution and Child Mortality in Africa. .....Mélanie Gittard, Paris School of Economics; and Irène Hu, OECD
  • Temperature and Maltreatment of Young Children. .....Mary Evans, The University of Texas at Austin; Ludovica Gazze, University of Warwick; and Jessamyn Schaller, Claremont McKenna College
22. Resource Management [Regular Session]
Thursday | 9:00 am-10:30 am | Independence F
  • Industrial Activity and Environmental Degradation: Evidence from Slaughterhouse Openings in Brazil. .....Daniel Da Mata, Sao Paulo School of Economics - FGV; Mario Dotta, Fundação Getúlio Vargas; and Edson Severnini, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Environmental monitoring and enforcement at animal feeding operations: The effects on surface water quality. .....Zach Raff, USDA ERS; and Dietrich Earnhart, University of Kansas
  • Forest Rationalization and Livelihoods: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis. .....Dale Manning, Colorado State University; and Kelvin Mulungu, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
  • Management, Market, and Endogenous Ecological Change: An Empirical Exploration of Oak Forests in the US. .....Gaurav Dhungel, North Carolina State University; and Justin Baker, NC State University
23. Conservation I [Regular Session]
Thursday | 9:00 am-10:30 am | Independence G
  • Quality Selection in Private Land Conservation: Evidence from Conservation Easement Tax Incentives. .....Kelsey Larson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Sequential Conservation Buyouts in Production Networks. .....Shu-Chen Tsao, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Risk and Ambiguity Aversion in Conservation Practice Adoption. .....Zhushan Du, Iowa State University; and Hongli Feng, Iowa State university
  • The High Stakes Loading Dock Problem Facing USDA’s Conservation Programs. .....Kent Messer, University of Delaware; Paul J. Feldman, Texas A&M University; Diya Ganguly, University of Delaware; Rich Iovanna, USDA FPAC-BC; and Julie Suhr Pierce, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
24. Wildfires [Regular Session]
Thursday | 9:00 am-10:30 am | Independence H
  • Wildfire Risk and Home Prices: The Case of Residential Building Codes in California. .....Douglas Wrenn, Pennsylvania State University
  • Paradise Lost: Population Growth and Wildfire Mitigation. .....Amanda Ang, University of Southern California
  • The Impacts of Wildfires on US Economic Activity. .....Zhiyun Li, UCLA Anderson Forecast; Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, Cornell University; and Qingyang Wu, UCLA
  • Is that $30,000 drop effective?. .....Calvin Bryan, Colorado State University; and Jude Bayham, Colorado State University
25. Climate Finance [Regular Session]
Thursday | 9:00 am-10:30 am | Independence I
  • Climate Finance. .....Joshua Blonz, Federal Reserve Board of Governors; Joakim Weill, Federal Reserve Board of Governors; and Cooper Howes, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
  • Optimal climate finance. .....Justin Caron, HEC Montreal; and Julien Daubanes, University of Geneva
  • Welfare-Maximizing Climate Policy and the Role of Climate Finance. .....Simon Lang, Yale University
  • Warning words in a warming world: Central bank communication and climate change. .....Emanuele Campiglio, University of Bologna; Davide Romelli, Trinity College Dublin; Jérôme Deyris, SciencesPo; and Ginevra Scalisi, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
26. Organized Session (WCEREA) - Climate Change, Land Use, and Biodiversity [Organized Session (Panel/Roundtable)]
Thursday | 10:45 am-12:15 pm | Lafayette Park

Chairs: Eyal Frank, University of Chicago; Stephen Polasky, University of Minnesota;

  • Richard Damania, World Bank;
  • Emma Fuller, Fractal Ag;
  • Kathleen Segerson, University of Connecticut;
  • Juha Siikamaki, IUCN;
  • Heather Tallis, University of California, Santa Cruz;
27. Regulation [Regular Session]
Thursday | 10:45 am-12:15 pm | Farragut Square
  • Locally Satisfying the Adding Up Condition in Meta-Regression Models: A Simple Solution to a Persistent Regulatory Challenge. .....Kristen Swedberg, Environmental Protection Agency Virginia Tech; and Joel Corona, Environmental Protection Agency
  • Innovation, Environmental Externalities and Optimal Regulation. .....Clark Lundberg, San Diego State University
  • Cleaner bills, cleaner air: The environmental consequence of Renewable Portfolio Standards policy design. .....Xinde Ji, University of Florida; Qingran Li, Clarkson University; Max Luke, NERA Economic Consulting; and Filippo Mavrothalassitis, Yale University
  • Incomplete regulation of toxics: Regrettable substitutes or chemical complements?. .....Irene Jacqz, Iowa State University; and Adam Theising, Environmental Protection Agency
28. Energy - Markets [Regular Session]
Thursday | 10:45 am-12:15 pm | Independence B
  • Midstream Congestion, Market Structure, and Environmental Externalities from U.S. Shale. .....Mark Agerton, UC Davis, ARE; Wesley Blundell, Washington State University; Ben Gilbert, Colorado School of Mines; and Gregory Upton, Louisiana State University
  • The Missing Carbon Pass-through in China's Electricity Market. .....Libo Wu, Fudan University; Yang Zhou, Fudan University; and Naifu Zhang, Fudan University
  • How market competition improves industrial efficiency: Empirical evidence from China’s electricity market reform. .....Jian Cui, Renmin University of China; Feng Song, Renmin University of China; Yueming (Lucy) Qiu, University of Maryland, College Park; and Zhigao Jiang, Zhineng Consultant Company
  • Socially Efficient Choice Architecture for Electricity Markets. .....Nicholas Vreugdenhil, Arizona State University; Nicolai Kuminoff, Arizona State University; and Maria Osipenko, Arizona State University
29. Energy - Wind [Regular Session]
Thursday | 10:45 am-12:15 pm | Independence C
  • How do Procurement Contracts Matter for Cost-effectiveness of Output Subsidies? An Equilibrium Analysis for the Texas Wind Power Industry. .....Felipe Alberto Gomez Trejos, Tulane University
  • Wind Intermittency and supply-demand imbalance: Evidence from U.S. regional power markets. .....Matthew Oliver, Georgia Institute of Technology; and Victoria Godwin, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • To see or not to see: The visual (dis)amenity value of wind turbines. .....Wei Guo, RFF-CMCC EIEE; Maximilian Auffhammer, University of California at Berkeley; and Leonie Wenz, Potsdam Insitute for Climate Impact Research
  • Focusing the View: Improved Methods for Assessing Viewshed Impacts of Onshore Wind Turbines. .....Luran Dong, University of Rhode Island; and Corey Lang, University of Rhode Island
30. Transportation - Vehicles [Regular Session]
Thursday | 10:45 am-12:15 pm | Independence D
  • Do Emissions Test Improve Vehicle Efficiency?. .....Elise Breshears, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • Differential Regulation and Firm Responses: A Study of the CAFE Standard. .....Ying Fan, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; and Nafisa Lohawala, Resources for the Future
  • Vehicle Scrappage in the Developing World: Evidence from Brazil. .....Andre Ribeiro Cardoso, Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Avoiding tax on cars and its enviromental implications in Mexico. .....Pedro Liedo, University of California - Davis; and Shaun McRae, ITAM
31. Housing - Natural Disasters [Regular Session]
Thursday | 10:45 am-12:15 pm | Independence E
  • How Does Mortgage Performance Vary Across Borrower Demographics Following a Disaster?. .....Alexandra Marr, Federal Housing Finance Agency; Caroline Hopkins, Federal Housing Finance Agency; and November Wilson, Federal Housing Finance Agency
  • The Impact of Wildfire Hazard Information Disclosure on Property Prices: A Repeat-sales Approach. .....Sizhuo Chen, The Pennsylvania State University; and Douglas Wrenn, Pennsylvania State University
  • Nature’s Shield: Deciphering Mangroves’ Influence on Property Value Dynamics in the Wake of Hurricane Irma. .....Swaty Kajaria, University of Georgia; Susana Ferreira, The University of Georgia; and Yukiko Hashida, University of Georgia
  • After the Flood: Housing Market Liquidity and House Prices. .....Allan Beltran, University of Birmingham; Karlygash Kuralbayeva, King's College London; and Eileen Tipoe, Queen Mary University of London
32. Pollution - Human Impacts [Regular Session]
Thursday | 10:45 am-12:15 pm | Independence F
  • The Effect of Air Pollution on Inventor Productivity. .....Ina Drouven, London School of Economics; Eugenie Dugoua, London School of Economics; and Sefi Roth, London School of Economics
  • Two Hearts Tugging at One Load: Air Pollution and Online Charitable Giving. .....Yinxiao Wang, University of Pittsburgh; Yucheng Wang, University of Pittsburgh; and Alex Yu, Wake Forest University
  • Air Pollution and Test Scores: Impacts and Heterogeneity. .....Timo Hener, Aarhus University; and Christina Munkholm Andersen, Aarhus University
  • Air Pollution and Students’ High-stakes Exam Performance: Evidence from Mexico. .....Scott Holladay, University of Tennessee; Xin Jin, University of Tennessee; and Maria Padilla-Romo, University of Tennessee
33. Water Conservation [Regular Session]
Thursday | 10:45 am-12:15 pm | Independence G
  • Estimating the Impact of California's State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Act. .....Isabelle Picciotto, University of California - Davis
  • Effects of Crop Insurance on Water Use: Mitigating Effects of Irrigation Costs. .....Sungmin Cheu, Michigan State University; and Molly Sears, Michigan State University
  • Price Incentives for Conservation: Experimental Evidence from Groundwater Irrigation. .....Nick Hagerty, Montana State University; and Ariel Zucker, UC Santa Cruz
  • Water Quality and the Conservation Reserve Program: Empirical Evidence from the Mississippi River Basin. .....Nicole Karwowski, Montana State University; Marin Skidmore, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaig; R. Aaron Hrozencik, USDA Economic Research Service; and Andrew Rosenberg, USDA Economic Research Service
34. Forests [Regular Session]
Thursday | 10:45 am-12:15 pm | Independence H
  • The Allocative Efficiency of Deforestation: A Global Perspective. .....Prakash Mishra, The Wharton School
  • Increased mangrove forest cover by the use of satellite images for monitoring and its spillover impacts. .....Suhyun Jung, Oregon State University; Jack Reid, US Government Accountability Office; and Danielle Wood, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Tribal Forest Rights and Firm Behavior. .....Raahil Madhok, University of Minnesota
  • Estimating the effect of protection and indigenous lands on deforestation in the Amazon using neural networks. .....Kathy Baylis, University of California, Santa Barbara; Robert Heilmayr, University of California, Santa Barbara; Catharina Latka, University of California, Santa Barbara; and Pratyush Tripathy, University of California, Santa Barbara
35. Taxes and Subsidies [Regular Session]
Thursday | 10:45 am-12:15 pm | Independence I
  • IMPLICIT CARBON PRICES - Making do with the taxes we have. .....Elisa Belfiori, Torcuato Di Tella University; and Armon Rezai, Vienna University of Economics
  • Targeting of Corrective Subsidies: A Ramsey Approach. .....Takahiko Kiso, University of Aberdeen
  • Clean Subsidy Competition. .....Owen Kay, University of Michigan
  • Subsidy Bundles. .....Matthew Tarduno, University of Illinois at Chicago
AERE Awards Luncheon [N/A]
Thursday | 12:30 pm-2:30 pm | Independence East/West
36. Prioritizing equity in environmental economics research and teaching [Organized Session (Panel/Roundtable)]
Thursday | 2:45 pm-4:15 pm | Lafayette Park

Organizers: Beia Spiller, Resources for the Future; Danae Hernandez-Cortes, Arizona State University;
Chair: Danae Hernandez-Cortes, Arizona State University

  • Beia Spiller, Resources for the Future;
  • Samuel Stolper, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor;
  • Marc Conte, Fordham University;
  • Jill Caviglia-Harris, Salisbury University;
37. Economic Growth and Shocks [Regular Session]
Thursday | 2:45 pm-4:15 pm | Farragut Square
  • Can growth take place while reducing emissions?. .....Brigitte Castaneda, Universidad de los Andes
  • Convergence and Natural Capital. .....Dale Manning, Colorado State University; and Edward Barbier, Colorado State University
  • The impact of weather shocks on exports. .....Leanne Cass, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Sectoral impact and propagation of weather shocks. .....Guglielmo Zappalà, UC Santa Barbara
38. Energy - Oil and Gas [Regular Session]
Thursday | 2:45 pm-4:15 pm | Independence B
  • How Does Market Power Matter for Pass-Through of Gasoline Prices?. .....Felipe Alberto Gomez Trejos, Tulane University; Alberto Vindas Quesada, Central Bank of Costa Rica, University of Costa Rica; Daniela Córdoba, University of Costa Rica; and Juan Robalino, University of Costa Rica
  • Drained Away: Oil Lost from First Nations Reserves. .....Lucija Muehlenbachs, University of Calgary & Resources for the Future; and Laurel Wheeler, University of Alberta
  • The Impact of the 2022 Oil Embargo and Price Cap. .....Lutz Kilian, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas; David Rapson, University of California, Davis & Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas; and Burkhard Schipper, UC Davis
  • The End of Oil. .....Ryan Kellogg, University of Chicago
39. Energy - Solar [Regular Session]
Thursday | 2:45 pm-4:15 pm | Independence C
  • Supporting Solar: the Causal Impact of Subsidies on Domestic Photovoltaic Installations. .....Aurélien Saussay, London School of Economics; Leanne Cass, London School of Economics and Political Science; and Misato Sato, London School of Economics
  • Exploring Preferences for Utility-scale Solar Energy in Local Communities. .....Jian Chen, Iowa State University; Hongli Feng, Iowa State university; Elizabeth Hoffman, Iowa State university; and Luke Seaberg, Iowa State university
  • Solar Adoption by Mandates. .....Stefano Carattini, Georgia State University; Wade Davis, EPA; and Anton Heimerdinger, University of St. Gallen
  • Strategic Avoidance and the Welfare Impacts of Solar Panel Tariffs. .....Todd Gerarden, Cornell University; Kenneth Gillingham, Yale University; Bryan Bollinger, New York University, Stern School of Business; Daniel Xu, Duke University; and Drew Vollmer, U.S. Department of Justice
40. Health - Pollution [Regular Session]
Thursday | 2:45 pm-4:15 pm | Independence D
  • Forgotten pollutant: the impact of ozone pollution on morbidity. .....Yun Qiu, Jinan University; Gorden Liu, Peking University; Meng Liu, Peking University; and Nan Xiao, Peking University
  • The impact of wildfire smoke exposure on excess mortality and later-life socioeconomic outcomes: The Great Fire of 1910. .....Sarah Meier, University of Exeter; Eric Strobl, University of Bern; and Robert Elliott, University of Birmingham
  • A Spreading Malaise: Manure Management, Air Pollution, and Health Outcomes in Italy. .....Jacopo Lunghi, Bocconi University Milan
  • Airlines, Pollution, and Fertility. .....Xinming Du, National University of Singapore; and Charles Taylor, Harvard University
41. Climate Policy - General Equilibrium [Regular Session]
Thursday | 2:45 pm-4:15 pm | Independence E
  • Analyzing cross-subsidies using a general equilibrium model with carbon pricing policies. .....Jing Cao, Tsinghua University; Mun Ho, Harvard University; and Yu Zhang, Tsinghua University
  • Equilibrium Effects of Carbon Policy. .....Geoffrey Barrows, Ecole Polytechnique; Raphael Calel, Georgetown University; Helene Ollivier, Paris School of Economics; and Martin Jegard, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
  • Choosing Corrective Carbon Prices in the Presence of Other Distortions. .....Herman Vollebergh, Tilburg Unviversity and Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency; and Sjak Smulders, Tilburg University
  • Dynamics of Linking Sectoral Carbon Markets. .....Dallas Burtraw, Resources for the Future; Michael Pahle, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; Simon Quemin, Électricité de France Research & Development; and Matt Woerman, Colorado State University
42. Water Quality [Regular Session]
Thursday | 2:45 pm-4:15 pm | Independence F
  • Estimating Water Quality Benefits with Revealed Preference. .....Yoojin Cha, University of Texas at Austi; Daniel Douglas, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Dimitris Friesen, University of Wisconsin, Madiso; Jiameng Zheng, University Of Illinois At Urbana Champaign; Yusuke Kuwayama, University of Maryland, Baltimore County; Sheila Olmstead, University of Texas at Austin and RFF; and Daniel Phaneuf, University of Wisconsin, Madiso
  • Consumer response to drinking water quality violations. .....Trenton Marable, The University of Tennessee
  • Causal inference, high-frequency data, and the recreational value of water quality. .....Andrew Earle, East Carolina University; and Hyunjung Kim, University of Guelph
  • Valuing Satellite Data for Harmful Algal Bloom Early Warning Systems. .....Stephen Newbold, University of Wyoming; Sarah Lindley, University of Wyoming; Shannon Albeke, University of Wyoming; Joshua Viers, University of California, Merced; George Parsons, University of Delaware; and Robert Johnston, Clark University
43. Urban [Regular Session]
Thursday | 2:45 pm-4:15 pm | Independence G
  • Environmental Gentrification. .....Wen Wang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Urban Redevelopment and Gentrification: Evidence from the Atlanta BeltLine. .....Yixuan Wang, The Ohio State University
  • Adapting to Heat Extremes with Unequal Access to Cooling: Evidence from India. .....Filippo Pavanello, University of Bologna, CMCC Foundation, Ca' Foscari University of Venice; and Ian Sue Wing, Boston University
  • Rural-Urban Water Transfer and Urban Economic Growth: Chinatown Revisited. .....Sherzod Akhundjanov, Utah State University; Reza Oladi, Utah State University; Arpita Nehra, North Carolina State University; and Arthur Caplan, Utah State University
44. Farms and Forests [Regular Session]
Thursday | 2:45 pm-4:15 pm | Independence H
  • Greening China: Evidence from the Grain for Green Program. .....Zhi Wang, Fudan University; Mingwei Xu, Peking University; Qinghua Zhang, Peking University; and Li-An Zhou, Peking University
  • Land Conservation and Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from China’s Natural Reserves. .....Jian Shi, NC State University
  • Economic Benefits of Agricultural Conservation: Evidence from the Environmental Quality Incentives Program. .....Wei Zhang, Virginia Tech; Pengfei Liu, University of Rhode Island; and Yanggu Li, Virginia Tech
45. Labor [Regular Session]
Thursday | 2:45 pm-4:15 pm | Independence I
  • The Distributional Impacts of Climate Changes across US Local Labor Markets. .....John Morehouse, University of Oregon; and Emmett Saulnier, US EPA and University of Oregon
  • Occupational Mobility and Climate Adaptation: Evidence from France. .....Paul Stainier, UCLA
  • Place-Based Environmental Regulation and Labor Market Dynamics. .....Ozgen Kiribrahim, Arizona State University
  • Climate Policy, Job Reallocation, and Unemployment Fluctuations in a Multisector Economy. .....John Gibson, University of Texas El Paso; Garth Heutel, Georgia State University; and Lilia Karnazova, University of Ottawa
46. Poster Session and Reception [Poster Session]
Thursday | 4:30 pm-5:30 pm | Independence A
  • Using spatial microsimulation to design an agricultural carbon market: An application to cover-cropping in U.S. croplands. .....Micah Cameron Harp, Kansas State University; Nathan Hendricks, Kansas State University; Lisa Eash, Yale University; and Charles Rice, Kansas State University
  • Too Close to Breathe: The Environmental and Health Implications of Shutting-Down Coal. .....Elisabetta Cappa, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
  • Does trade openness reduce the impact of temperature shocks on productivity? An empirical assessment. .....Leanne Cass, London School of Economics and Political Science
  • Untangling the Influence of Climate on Agricultural Decision-Making – Evidence from Smallholders in Zambia. .....Gemma Del Rossi, University of California, Santa Barbara; Patrese Anderson, University of California-Santa Barbara; and Kathy Baylis, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • The Impact of 2010 Floods on Child Health and Education: Evidence from Pakistan. .....Rida Hameed, American University
  • Invisible Variance: Air Pollution, Judges, and Sentence Length. .....Kathryn Johnson, American University
  • Flood Risk in Redlined Communities. .....Gabe Lara, Pennsylvania State University
  • Wind of Change: Assessing the Impact of Wind Turbine Permissions on Preserved Farmland in the Midwest. .....Seowoo Lee, Michigan State University; and Scott Swinton, Michigan State University
  • Blown Away? The Influence of Wind Farms on Agricultural Land Values (2008-2021). .....Karen Maguire, USDA Economic Research Service; Sophia Tanner, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service; Justin Winikoff, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service; and J. Burnett, USDA Economic Research Service
  • Does humidity matter? Prenatal heat and child growth in South Asia. .....Katie McMahon, University of California, Santa Barbara; Kathy Baylis, University of California, Santa Barbara; Stuart Sweeney, University of California, Santa Barbara; and Chris Funk, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • The Value of Flexible Ramping. .....Shilei Niu, University of Waterloo
  • Adopting Solar Power for Irrigation: Can it incentivize groundwater conservation in India?. .....Praharsh Patel, Pennsylvania State Univerity
  • Climate stress and economic activity: evidence from regional US data. .....Harrison Snell, Federal Reserve Board; Rakeen Tanvir, Federal Reservve Board; and Matthias Paustian, Federal Reserve Board
  • The impact of brownfield remediation on property values: a hedonic analysis of home sales. .....Tal Roitberg, US Environmental Protection Agency; Bayou Demeke, US EPA, Office of Water; and David Bernstein, University of Miami
  • Aging infrastructure, affordability and legacy costs: Consumers’ willingness to pay for risk reduction. .....Sampriti Sarkar, Michigan state university; and Frank Lupi, Michigan State University
  • Efforts to Harmonize Informal Mining: Navigating Governance and Mitigating Environmental Impacts. .....Paula Sarmiento, Duke
  • Ozone Stress and Grassland Quality in Pastoral China. .....Qinan Lu, University of Wisconsin, Madiso; Chen Shang, Renmin University,China; Lingling Hou, Peking University; Pengfei Liu, University of Rhode Island; and Ziheng Liu, University of Wisconsin, Madiso
  • Lost in the “green” transition: Foregone earnings for workers in the wake of Germany’s coal plant phase-out. .....Vaios Triantafyllou, Cornell University
  • Beyond the Kuznets Curve: The Role of Social Preferences in Understanding Environmental Performance. .....Marco Vincenzi, University of New Hampshire
  • Environmental Governance, Distortion Mitigation, and Economic Development: Evidence from China’s “War on Pollution”. .....Junming Zhu, Tsinghua University; Qing Huang, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; and Mingzhe Wang, Tsinghua University
  • Natural capital accounts for forests in the United States. .....Travis Warziniack, Rocky Mountain Research Station U.S.F.S.
  • Assessing Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Soil Conservation Eco-Labeled Products. .....KATHERINE WESTERMAN, University of Rhode Island
  • The Economics of the Birds and the Bees: Private Habitat Conservation with Multiple Ecosystem Services and Market Access Costs. .....H Jo Albers, University of Wyoming; and Irene Zapata-Moran, University of Wyoming
  • Climate change and the demand for bird watching. .....Xinyu Zeng, the unversity of georgia; and Yukiko Hashida, University of Georgia
  • Map-enhanced decision-making in contingent valuation. .....Yuetong Zhang, Virginia Tech; and Klaus Moeltner, Virginia Tech
  • Waves of Change: Understanding the Impact of Natural Hazards on Housing Market Dynamics and Coastal Evolution. .....Kunxin Zhu, The Ohio State University
47. Registration Desk Open [N/A]
Friday | 7:00 am-3:00 pm | Independence Ballroom Foyer
48. Continental Breakfast [N/A]
Friday | 7:15 am-8:15 am | Independence East/West
49. Energy and climate change issues in Latin America [Organized Session (Research Presentations)]
Friday | 8:30 am-10:00 am | Lafayette Park

Organizer: Danae Hernandez-Cortes, Arizona State University
Chair: Sophie Mathes, FGV EPGE
  • Diffusion of Adaptation Technologies and Immigration Policy Interference. .....Valerie Mueller, Arizona State University
  • The Effects of Renewable Energy Projects on Employment: Evidence from Brazil. .....Sophie Mathes, FGV EPGE
  • Renewable Energies, Fossil Fuel Displacement and School Outcomes in Environmental Justice Communities. .....Nathaly Rivera, University of Chile
  • The Effects of Transportation Infrastructure on Deforestation in The Amazon: A General Equilibrium Approach. .....Rafael Araujo, FGV EESP
50. Firms and Investments [Regular Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-10:00 am | Farragut Square
  • Unintended Environmental Consequences of Investment Stimulus Policy. .....Dana Andersen, University of Alberta; Mark Curtis, Wake Forest University; and Eric Ohrn, Grinnell College
  • How does low-carbon policy affect corporate carbon emission intensity? Evidence from the manufacturing sector in China. .....Xinyang Dong, Tsinghua University; and Can Wang, Tsinghua University
  • The Impact of Multinational Firms on the Environment. .....Frederik Noack, UBC; Dominic Rohner, University of Lausanne; and Tommaso Sonno, University of Bologna
51. Energy - Pollution [Regular Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-10:00 am | Independence B
  • The Effect of Electricity Restructuring on SO2 Emissions at Coal Power Plants. .....Joanna Slusarewicz, Carnegie Mellon University; Valerie Karplus, Carnegie Mellon University; and Nicholas Muller, Carnegie Mellon University
  • How large are methane emissions from the upstream oil and gas industry and why are they there?. .....Thomas Covert, University of Chicago; Ludovica Gazze, University of Warwick; Michael Greenstone, University of Chicago; and Olga Rostapshova, University of Chicago
  • Policy Options to Reduce Liabilities from Orphaned Gas Wells. .....Lauren Beatty, Environmental Defense Fund
  • Local and Regional Effects of California Energy Storage. .....Harrison Fell, North Carolina State University; Jeremiah Johnson, North Carolina State University; and Andrew Hutchens, North Carolina State University
52. Energy - Transmission [Regular Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-10:00 am | Independence C
  • Impacts of Uncertainty in Transmission Interconnection on Energy Transition. .....Xiaochen Sun, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Market Structure and Transmission Investments in U.S. Electricity Markets. .....Yifei Liu, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Optimal interregional transmission expansion minimally reduces the cost of decarbonizing the U.S. electricity sector. .....Rangrang Zheng, University of Hawaii, Manoa; Greg Schively, Princeton University; Patricia Hidalgo-Gonzalez, University of California, San Diego; Matthias Fripp, University of Hawaii, Manoa; and Michael Roberts, University of Hawaii, Manoa
  • Against the Wind: The Economic Cost of Renewable Intermittency under Transmission Constraints. .....Ron Chan, University of Manchester; Takeo Hori, Tokyo Institute of Technology; and Takahiko Kiso, University of Aberdeen
53. Transportation - Public Transit and Pollution [Regular Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-10:00 am | Independence D
  • Real-Time Information & Public Transit Ridership. .....Rhiannon Jerch, The University of Wisconsin-Madison; and Andrea La Nauze, Univesity of Queensland
  • The Effect of Marginal Change in Public Transit System on Traffic Congestion. .....Yikuan Ji, University of Maryland
  • Low Emission Zones and Environmental Justice. .....Björn Bos, University of Hamburg; Moritz Drupp, University of Hamburg; and Lutz Sager, Georgetown University
  • The impact of air pollution on road safety in northern California: Evidence from hyperlocal emission measures. .....J. Burnett, USDA Economic Research Service; and Tamara Sheldon, University of South Carolina
54. Carbon Prices [Regular Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-10:00 am | Independence E
  • Disentangling the Roles of Growth Uncertainty, Discounting, and the Climate Beta on the Social Cost of Carbon. .....Brian Prest, Resources for the Future
  • US government’s new guidance to address distributional concerns in benefit-cost analysis greatly increases the social cost of carbon dioxide. .....Brian Prest, Resources for the Future; Lisa Rennels, UC Berkeley; Frank Errickson, Princeton University; and David Anthoff, UC Berkeley
  • Heat Disproportionately Kills Young People: Evidence from wet-bulb temperature exposure. .....R. Bressler, Columbia University; Jeffrey Shrader, Columbia University; and Andrew Jordan Wilson, Columbia University
  • Pigou's Advice and Sisyphus' Warning: Carbon Pricing with Non-Permanent Carbon Dioxide Removal. .....Max Franks, TU Berlin, PIK Potsdam; Matthias Kalkuhl, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC Berlin); Friedemann Gruner, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change; Kai Lessmann, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK); and Ottmar Edenhofer, TU Berlin, PIK, MCC
55. Water and Waste Markets [Regular Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-10:00 am | Independence F
  • Pricing and Efficiency of Water Markets under Prior Appropriations: Evidence from Permanent Water Rights Sales in Nevada. .....Egan Cornachione, USDA Forest Service; Thomas Bridges-Lyman, University of Nevada, Reno; and Michael Taylor, University of Nevada, Reno
  • Welfare implications of groundwater markets for California farmworkers. .....Sandy Sum, UC Santa Barbara
  • Do consumers respond to fixed costs? Evidence from water metering and pricing policy. .....Praharsh Patel, Pennsylvania State Univerity; Daniel Brent, Pennsylvania State University; and Casey Wichman, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Second Best Taxes on Recycling versus Disposal, with No Tax on Dumping. .....Don Fullerton, University of Illinois; and SunLee Stechuk, University of Illinois
56. Temperature - Human Impacts [Regular Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-10:00 am | Independence G
  • Hotter Days, Fuller Wards: Temperature, healthcare utilization and patient outcomes. .....Sandra Aguilar-Gomez, Universidad de los Andes; Joshua Graff Zivin, UC San Diego; and Matthew Neidell, Columbia University
  • Effects of Extreme Temperatures and Climate Change on Medicare Outcomes. .....Jared Jageler, Congressional Budget Office; David Adler, Congressional Budget Office; Noelia Duchovny, Congressional Budget Office; and Evan Herrnstadt, Congressional Budget Office
  • Sweating bullets: Heat, high-stakes evaluations, and the role of incentives. .....Jose María Martínez, Michigan State University; Victor Zuluaga, University of Houston; and Alexander Buriticá, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
  • Education Under Extremes: Temperature, Student Absenteeism, and Disciplinary Infractions. .....Kristen McCormack, U.S. Department of the Treasury
57. Agriculture II [Regular Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-10:00 am | Independence H
  • Does Age Matter for Adaptation to Extreme Temperature Effects on Crop Yields?. .....Yi-Chun Ko, Asian Growth Research Institute (Japan); Shinsuke Uchida, Nagoya City University; and Akira Hibiki, Tohoku University
  • Weather Stations and Agricultural Productivity- Evidence from Historical Data in the US. .....Vaibhav Anand, St. John's University; and Honglin Li, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Probabilistic Weather Forecasts and Farmer Decision Making in Rural India. .....Vaishnavi Surendra, Precision Development (PxD)
  • Adapting to Variable Weather: The Role and Impacts of Crop Insurance in Rural Communities. .....Hannah Druckenmiller, California Institute of Technology; Yanjun Liao, Resources for the Future; Margaret Walls, Resources for the Future; and Robin Young, Resources for the Future
58. Deforestation [Regular Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-10:00 am | Independence I
  • Policy design for effective, impactful and equitable reductions in deforestation emissions. .....Catharina Latka, University of California, Santa Barbara; Kathy Baylis, University of California, Santa Barbara; Robert Heilmayr, University of California, Santa Barbara; Felipe Jordan, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile; Andrew Plantinga, University of California, Santa Barbara; Laurel Abowd, University of California, Santa Barbara; Roberto Amaral de Castro Prado Santos, UCSB; and Gavin McDonald, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Road networks and tropical deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. .....Christian Bogmans, International Monetary Fund; Gerard van der Meijden, VU University Amsterdam; and Cees Withagen, VU University Amsterdam
  • The dynamics of cattle expansion and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. .....Lukas Vashold, Vienna University of Economics and Business; and Nikolas Kuschnig, Vienna University of Economics and Business
  • Tourism, development, and deforestation. .....Manuel Linsenmeier, Columbia University
59. Governance [Regular Session]
Friday | 8:30 am-10:00 am | McPherson Square/Franklin Square
  • Weathering the Compliance Drought: Impact of Climate Change on Citizen-State Conflict in Africa. .....Ye LYU, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; and Lin Yang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
  • Green or Grime? Local Governance and Environmental Regulations in China’s Urbanization. .....Mengwei Lin, Cornell University; and Deyu Rao, HKUST
  • Dirty Politics? The Impact of Criminally Accused Politicians on India’s Environment. .....Nargiza Ibragimova, Heidelberg University; and Tom Zeising, Heidelberg University
  • Inclusive Governance: Addressing Human-Wildlife Conflict through Political Representation in India?. .....Raahil Madhok, University of Minnesota; Sumeet Gulati, University of British Columbia; and Pushpendra Rana, Indian Forest Service, Himachal Pradesh.
60. Macroeconomics of Climate Change [Organized Session (Research Presentations)]
Friday | 10:15 am-11:45 am | Lafayette Park

Organizers: Christian Traeger, University of Oslo; Gregory Casey, Williams College;
Chairs: Christian Traeger, University of Oslo; Stephie Fried, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco;
  • The Macroeconomics Clean Energy Subsidies. .....Gregory Casey, Williams College; Woongchan Jeon, ETH Zurich; and Christian Traeger, University of Oslo
  • IAMs and CO2 Emissions – An Analytic Discussion. .....Christian Traeger, University of Oslo
  • Energy Efficiency Dynamics and Climate Policy. .....Gregory Casey, Williams College; and Yang Gao, UC Santa Barbara
  • Climate Damages and the Natural Rate of Interest. .....Stephie Fried, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco; Sylvain Leduc, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco; Kevin Novan, University of California, Davis; and William Peterman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
61. Field Experiments [Regular Session]
Friday | 10:15 am-11:45 am | Farragut Square
  • Cost-Effective Ways to Induce Recycling: A Randomized Control Trial of Single-Family Households in Rantoul, Illinois. .....Don Fullerton, University of Illinois; and SunLee Stechuk, University of Illinois
  • Unlocking Flexible Energy Demand: A Field Experiment on the Adoption of a Prosocial Technology. .....Quentin Coutellier, Oxford University; Greer Gosnell, Rethink Priorities; Zeynep Gurguc, Queen Mary University of London; Ralf Martin, Imperial College Londo; and Mirabelle Muuls, Imperial College London
  • Pigovian Transport Pricing in Practice. .....Beat Hintermann, University of Basel; Joseph Molloy, Fairtiq; Beaumont Schoeman, University of Basel; Thomas Goetschi, University of Oregon; Kay Axhausen, ETH Zurich; Alberto Castro, Swiss TPH; Uros Tomic, ZHAW; and Christopher Tchervenkov, Cite de Lausanne
62. Energy - Consumption [Regular Session]
Friday | 10:15 am-11:45 am | Independence B
  • Time-of-Use versus Managed Charging: Electric Vehicle Charging and Distribution Network Constraints. .....Megan Bailey, University of Calgary; David Brown, University of Alberta; Blake Shaffer, University of Calgary; Erica Myers, University of Cal; and Frank Wolak, Stanford University
  • From Efficiency to Excess: Understanding Utility Usage in Green-Certified Homes. .....Sumit Agarwal, National University of Singapore; Eduardo Araral, National University of Singapore; Mingxuan Fan, National University of Singapore; Yu Qin, National University of Singapore; and Huanhuan Zheng, National University of Singapore
  • Tracking Our Footprint: CO2 Emissions from US Housing Stock. .....Becka Brolinson, Federal Housing Finance Agency; Jessica Shui, Federal Housing Finance Agency; and November Wilson, Federal Housing Finance Agency
63. Energy - Renewables [Regular Session]
Friday | 10:15 am-11:45 am | Independence C
  • Are Renewable Generators Price Responsive?. .....Harrison Fell, North Carolina State University; Scott Holladay, University of Tennessee; and Daniel Kaffine, University of Colorado Boulder
  • Renewable Generation Uncertainty in Interconnected Markets. .....Christopher Malloy, University of Oklahoma
  • The Impact of Solar Energy Development on Farmland Values: Evidence from the Shared Renewable Policy in NY State. .....Zhiyun Li, UCLA Anderson Forecast; Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, Cornell University; and Wendong Zhang, Cornell University
  • Cashing Out? Farmland Quality and the Adoption of Utility-Scale Solar and Wind. .....Karen Maguire, USDA Economic Research Service; Sophia Tanner, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service; and Justin Winikoff, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service
64. Climate Policy [Regular Session]
Friday | 10:15 am-11:45 am | Independence D
  • Carbon Pricing and Trade in Environmental Goods. .....Banban Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology; and Zhenyan Song, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • Climate Policy Beyond the IRA. .....Maya Domeshek, Resources for the Future; Dallas Burtraw, Resources for the Future; Karen Palmer, Resources for the Future; Nicholas Roy, Resources for the Future; and Jhih-Shyang Shih, Resources for the Future
  • Pareto-improving climate policy with heterogeneous abatement costs in the building sector. .....Lennart Stern, mcc berlin; Maximilian Kellner, MCC Berlin; Matthias Kalkuhl, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC Berlin); and Noah Kögel, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC)
  • An Empirical Test of the Green Paradox for Climate Legislation. .....Maya Norman, Columbia University; and Wolfram Schlenker, Columbia University
65. Pollution - Domestic and Foreign [Regular Session]
Friday | 10:15 am-11:45 am | Independence E
  • Assessing Air Quality Disparities in California: Evidence From The Clean Air Act and Satellite-based Measures of Ozone Concentrations. .....Zeyang Dong, Universtiy of Maryland
  • Global air quality inequality over 2000-2020. .....Lutz Sager, Georgetown University
  • Is Germany becoming the European pollution haven?. .....Elisa Rottner, ZEW Mannheim; Kathrine von Graevenitz, ZEW and University of Mannheim; and Philipp Richter, Universität Würzburg
  • Estimating Worldwide Marginal Emissions Factors for Policy Analysis. .....James Archsmith, University of Maryland, College Park; David Rapson, University of California, Davis & Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas; and Erich Muehlegger, University of California, Davis
66. Chemicals [Regular Session]
Friday | 10:15 am-11:45 am | Independence F
  • From Molecule to Market Probing the Influence of PFAS on Property Values in the American Real Estate Landscape: A Case Study in New Hampshire. .....Ahamed Zakaria, Department of Applied Economics and Statistics, University of Delaware; and MARTIN HEINTZELMAN, Department of Applied Economics and Statistics
  • Addressing Concerns of Emerging Pollutants: Consumer Willingness to Pay to Identify and Mitigate Exposure to Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). .....Diya Ganguly, University of Delaware; Sam Priestley, Texas A&M University; Kent Messer, University of Delaware; and Marco Palma, Texas A&M University
  • Ripple Effects: PFAS and Demand for Bottled Water and Water Filters in California. .....Mehdi Nemati, School of Public Policy, UC Riverside; Lingxiao Wang, University of Wisconsin - Madison; and Kurt Schwabe, University of California, Riverside
  • Health and mobility impacts of industrial chemical accidents. .....Jiameng Zheng, University Of Illinois At Urbana Champaign
67. Education [Regular Session]
Friday | 10:15 am-11:45 am | Independence G
  • The impact of climate change on global intergenerational mobility in education. .....LINXUAN ZHAO, Renmin University of China
  • The Impact of In Utero Exposure to Drilling on Academic Achievement. .....Elaine Hill, University of Rochester; Konstantin Kunze, University of Rochester; and Lala Ma, University of Kentucky
  • The Impact of Aircraft Noise Pollution on Academic Performance. .....Joshua Aarons, UC San Diego
  • Putting Low Emission Zone (LEZ) to the Test: The Effect of London's LEZ on Educational Outcomes. .....Sefi Roth, London School of Economics; and Antonio Avila-Uribe, London School of Economics
68. Conservation II [Regular Session]
Friday | 10:15 am-11:45 am | Independence H
  • Preferences for nature conservation over time: evidence from real estate markets. .....Yanay Farja, Tel Hai College
  • China’s Ecological Restoration: Evidence from the Last 20 Years. .....Guojun He, The University of Hong Kong; Yuanning Liang, Peking University; Yuhang Pan, Peking University; Jianwei Xing, Peking University; Zheng Zhong, Jinan University; and Eric Zou, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
  • An Indian anti-poverty efforts improved groundwater recharge and raised groundwater levels. .....Arnold Behrer, The World Bank; and Hemant Pullabhotla, Deakin University
  • Evaluating long term protected area effectiveness in the mangrove forests of Brazil. .....Matthew Reale-Hatem, Duke University
69. Food [Regular Session]
Friday | 10:15 am-11:45 am | Independence I
  • Impact of Extreme Weather Events on the U.S. Domestic Supply Chain of Food Manufacturing. .....Hyungsun Yim, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; and Sandy Dall'erba, UIUC
  • Unraveling the Impact of Temperature Shocks on Food Consumption: Analyzing the Mediation Effect of Public Welfare Programs. .....Xianru Han, University of Maryland - College Park; Wenying Li, Auburn University; and Wang Haoluan, University of Miami
  • How is climate fuelling the thirst for sweetness? Exploring drivers and adaptation. .....Maxime Roche, Imperial College London; and Laure de Preux, Imperial College London
  • Balancing GHG Mitigation, Agricultural Productivity, and Food Security Objectives in Ambitious Climate Policy Scenarios. .....Justin Baker, NC State University; and Ziqian Gong, North Carolina State University
70. Willingness to Pay and Non-market Valuation [Regular Session]
Friday | 10:15 am-11:45 am | McPherson Square/Franklin Square
  • Linear Utility Bias in Willingness to Pay. .....Gregory Howard, East Carolina University; Jerrod Penn, Louisiana State University; and Wuyang Hu, Ohio State University
  • Fat Tails and Willingness to Pay: Kristrom revisited. .....Lynne Lewis, BATES COLLEGE; Leslie Richardson, National Park Service; and John Whitehead, Appalachian State University
  • Cleaning Matters! Lessons Learned from Comparing Response Behaviors and Willingness to Pay in Address-Based and Online Panel Samples. .....Amila Hadziomerspahic, Environmental Protection Agency; Sonja Kolstoe, U.S. Forest Service; and Steven Dundas, Oregon State University
  • When and How Should Non-Market Valuation be Used to Inform Decisions? Understanding the Value of Value Estimation. .....David Pannell, University of Western Australia; Robert Johnston, Clark University; Michael Burton, University of Western Australia; Md Sayed Iftekhar, Griffith University; Abbie Rogers, University of Western Australia; and Cheryl Day, University of Western Australia
71. Pollution Exposure and Children’s Cognitive and Health Outcomes [Organized Session (Research Presentations)]
Friday | 1:15 pm-2:45 pm | Lafayette Park

Organizer: Ron Shadbegian, San Diego State University
Chair: Ron Shadbegian, San Diego State University
  • Does Special Education in Elementary and Middle School Mitigate the Effects of Early Childhood Lead Exposure?. .....Heather Klemick, US EPA NCEE; Ron Shadbegian, San Diego State University; Dennis Guignet, Appalachian State University; Linda Bui, Brandeis University; Rebecca Margolit, San Diego State University; Anh Hoang, San Diego State University; and Jennifer Tam, San Diego State University
  • Testing Above the Limit: Drinking Water Contamination and Test Scores. .....Michelle Marcus, Vanderbilt University
  • Can Secondary Interventions Mitigate Harmful Effects of Early Childhood Lead Exposure?. .....Linda Bui, Brandeis University; Ron Shadbegian, San Diego State University; Rebecca Margolit, San Diego State University; Anh Hoang, San Diego State University; Heather Klemick, US EPA NCEE; and Dennis Guignet, Appalachian State University
  • Reducing PFAS in Drinking Water and Perinatal Health. .....Wes Austin, US EPA NCEE; and Rosie Mueller, Whitman College
72. Information, Risk, and Uncertainty [Regular Session]
Friday | 1:15 pm-2:45 pm | Farragut Square
  • The value of public fish abundance information. .....Xiurou Wu, Norwegian School of Economics
  • Beliefs, signal quality, and information sources: Experimental evidence on air quality in Pakistan. .....Shotaro Nakamura, Federal Trade Commission; Sanval Nasim, Colby College; Arman Rezaee, University of California, Davis; and Isra Imtiaz, Lahore University of Management Sciences
  • Assessing global and sub-global socioeconomic transition uncertainty for climate management and risk analyses. .....Jennifer Morris, MIT; Steven Rose, EPRI; and Angelo Gurgel, MIT
73. Energy - Conservation [Regular Session]
Friday | 1:15 pm-2:45 pm | Independence B
  • Complementary Conservation: Estimating Energy Benefits of Water Conservation. .....Casey Wichman, Georgia Institute of Technology; and Derek Wietelman, University of Maryland
  • The Power to Conserve: A Field Experiment on Electricity Use in Qatar. .....Omar Al-Ubaydli, George Mason University; Alecia Cassidy, University of Alabama, Department of Economics, Finance, and Legal Studies; Anomitro Chatterjee, London School of Economics; Ahmed Khalifa, Qatar University; and Michael Price, University of Alabama
  • A Comparison of Contests and Contracts for Cost-Effective Energy Conservation. .....Teevrat Garg, University of California, San Diego; Jorge Lemus, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaig; Guillermo Marshall, University of British Columbia; and Chi Ta, Virginia Tech
  • Can Digitalization Improve Public Services? Evidence from Innovation in Energy Management∗. .....Robyn Meeks, Duke University; Jacquelyn Pless, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and Zhenxuan Wang, Duke University
74. Electric Vehicles - Consumers [Regular Session]
Friday | 1:15 pm-2:45 pm | Independence C
  • How Do Public Charging Networks Fuel Plug-In Electric Vehicle Uptake?. .....Lavan Burra, University of Maryland at College Park; Cinzia Cirillo, University of Maryland at College Park; and Joshua Linn, University of Maryland
  • Are Solar Panels and Electric Vehicles Substitutes or Complements?. .....Maria Osipenko, Arizona State University
  • Households’ Short-run Heterogeneous Use of Electric Vehicles: Implications for Public Policy. .....Wesley Blundell, Washington State University; Clifford Winston, Brookings Institution; and Wendan Zhang, Renmin University of China
  • Who Receives Environmental Benefits from Driving Electric Vehicles?. .....Yucheng Wang, University of Pittsburgh
75. Housing - Risk [Regular Session]
Friday | 1:15 pm-2:45 pm | Independence D
  • How Are Insurance Markets Adapting to Climate Change? Risk Selection and Regulation in the Market for Homeowners Insurance. .....Judson Boomhower, University of California, San Diego; Meredith Fowlie, University of California, Berkeley; Jacob Gellman, University of Alaska Anchorage; and Andrew Plantinga, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Effects of risk-based pricing on affordability and solvency of the National Flood Insurance Program. .....Max Snyder, UC Berkeley; Jesse Gourevitch, Environmental Defense Fund; and Carolyn Kousky, Environmental Defense Fund
  • Is It a Good Idea to Subsidize Flood Insurance? Evidence from France. .....Thomas Bezy, Paris School of Economics
  • Does Market Price Sea Level Rise Risk? Evidence from High-Tide Flooding. .....Seunghoon Lee, University of Missouri; and Siqi Zheng, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
76. Pollution - Firms and Labor [Regular Session]
Friday | 1:15 pm-2:45 pm | Independence E
  • Bad for business? The impact of air quality on firm outcomes in Germany. .....Roman Sieler, University of Basel; Beat Hintermann, University of Basel; and Corrado Di Maria, University of East Anglia
  • The Cost of Air Pollution for Workers and Firms. .....Marion Leroutier, Institute for Fiscal Studies; and Helene Ollivier, Paris School of Economics
  • Air pollution and labour productivity: Large-scale micro evidence from Europe. .....Veronica Vienne, University of Huddersfield; and Antoine Dechezleprêtre, OECD
  • The Labor Productivity Impact of Air Pollution in General Equilibrium. .....Andrew Schreiber, Environmental Protection Agency; and Pete Maniloff, US EPA
77. Emissions Trading Systems [Regular Session]
Friday | 1:15 pm-2:45 pm | Independence F
  • Interactions between Emissions Trading Systems and Other Policies: Insights from Theory and an Application to China. .....Carolyn Fischer, World Bank Group; Lawrence Goulder, Stanford University; and Chenfei Qu, Tsinghua University
  • Alternative policy designs for including carbon offsets in California’s greenhouse gas emissions trading program. .....Benjamin Leard, University of Tennessee; and Clayton Munnings, University of California at Berkeley
  • Designing Effective Carbon Border Adjustment with Minimal Information Requirements. Theory and Empirics. .....Ulrich Wagner, University of Mannheim; Chiara Forlati, university of southampton; Harald Fadinger, university of mannheim; Sabine Stillger, University of Mannheim; and Alessia Campolmi, ABT Associates
  • Why Is Trading So Important in Cap and Trade? The Roles of Economies of Scale and Productivity. .....Phuong Ho, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
78. Ecosystem Services [Regular Session]
Friday | 1:15 pm-2:45 pm | Independence G
  • Optimizing nonmarket ecosystem service flows from coastal landscapes under climate change. .....Steven Dundas, Oregon State University; Emma Gjerdseth, Oregon State University; Sally D. Hacker, Oregon State University; Meagan E Wengrove, Oregon State University; Mohsen Taherkhani, Oregon State University; and Peter Ruggiero, Oregon State University
  • Fires, Fuel Treatments & Endangered Ecosystems: Identifying the Economic Benefits of Fuel Treatments Through Land-Use Designations. .....Frederik Strabo, University of California, Davis
  • Navigating the Trade-offs: Understanding the Role of Permanence and Co-Benefits in Carbon Offsetting. .....Lara Bartels, ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
  • The enemy of my enemy is my friend: evidence of ecosystem disruption benefits from invasive ants. .....Michael Springborn, University of California, Davis; Paul Mwebaze, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaig; and Joakim Weill, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
79. Water and Land [Regular Session]
Friday | 1:15 pm-2:45 pm | Independence H
  • Wetlands and Water Quality: Evidence from the Coastal US. .....Mani Rouhi Rad, Texas A&M University; and Yukiko Hashida, University of Georgia
  • Policy and Market Forces Delay Inevitable Real Estate Price Declines on the Coast. .....Martin Smith, Duke University; Dylan McNamara, UNC Wilmington; Sathya Gopalakrishnan, Ohio State University; Craig Landry, University of Georgia; and Zachary Williams, UNC Wilmington
  • The land price impacts of water quality in China. .....Chuan Tang, Huazhong Agricultural University; and Yifeng Guo, Huazhong Agricultural University, P.R. China
  • Assessing Typhoon Impact on Local Economy: An Analysis of New Night-light and Household-Level Electricity Data. .....Deepak Kumar, Virginia Tech; Anubhab Gupta, Virginia Tech; and Chi Ta, Virginia Tech
80. Enforcement and Monitoring [Regular Session]
Friday | 1:15 pm-2:45 pm | Independence I
  • I heard your voice: public complaints and environmental enforcement. .....Jiaqi Zhang, Nanjing University; Robert Elliott, University of Birmingham; Mengdi Liu, University of International Business and Economics; and Bing Zhang, Nanjing University
  • When The Eyes Are Closed: Monitoring Failure and Strategic Emission. .....Yifan Chen, ABT Associates; Shiqi Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; and Mengdi Liu, University of International Business and Economics
  • The Impact of Monitoring on Air Quality. .....Qihui Hu, Carnegie Mellon University; Andrea La Nauze, Univesity of Queensland; and Edson Severnini, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Major/Minor Thresholds in Environmental Regulation. .....Tihitina Andarge, University of Massachusetts - Amherst; and William Wheeler, US EPA
81. Externalities and Valuation [Regular Session]
Friday | 1:15 pm-2:45 pm | McPherson Square/Franklin Square
  • Difference-in-Differences with endogenous externalities: model and application to climate econometrics. .....William Ridley, University of Illinois; Sandy Dall'erba, UIUC; and Yilan Xu, University of Illinois
  • The Unintentended Air Pollution Externality from an Ineffective Groundwater policy in India. .....Anshuman Tiwari, UC Santa Barbara
  • On value transfer influence on results from an integrated assessment model. .....Koji Tokimatsu, Tokyo Institute of Technology
82. Energy Resources, Human Capital Development and the Labor Market [Organized Session (Research Presentations)]
Friday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Lafayette Park

Organizer: Sayahnika Basu, James Madison University
Chair: Valerie Mueller, Arizona State University
  • A Global and Inclusive Just Transition: Challenges and Opportunities in Developing and Developed Countries’ Labor Markets. .....Luis Fernández Intriago, Environmental Defense Fund; Brigitte Castaneda, Universidad de los Andes; Raphael Heffron, Universite de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour; and Minwoo Hyun, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Occupation-Level Exploration of Fossil Fuel Industry Impacts on Labor Market. .....Minwoo Hyun, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Early life exposure to clean cooking transitions: Impacts on health and cognition. .....Emily Pakhtigian, Pennsylvania State University; and Jennifer Orgill Meyer, Franklin and Marshall College
  • Miners and Minors: The Impact of Mineral Resource Booms on Female Underage Employment. .....Sayahnika Basu, James Madison University; and Valerie Mueller, Arizona State University
83. Recreation [Regular Session]
Friday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Farragut Square
  • How does Local Economic Condition Affect Demand for Recreation. .....Mohammad Mainul Hoque, Cornell University; and Yongjie Ji, Iowa State University
  • Estimating the effect of climate change on outdoor recreation at U.S. grasslands using short-run weather deviations and “big” trip data. .....Kaylee Wells, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • The Effects of Public Health Advisories on the Value of Recreational Camping. .....Ashley Lowe MacKenzie, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Steven Dundas, Oregon State University; and Caleb Dickson, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department
  • Extreme Heat, Outdoor Recreation, and Climate Damages: Evidence from Campground Reservations and Cancellations. .....Jacob Gellman, University of Alaska Anchorage; Zac Pond, UC Berkeley; and Matthew Wibbenmeyer, Resources for the Future
84. Energy - Energy Transition [Regular Session]
Friday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Independence B
  • Bridge or Barrier to Net Zero? Gas Infrastructure Expansion and the Cost of Electrification. .....Zhenxuan Wang, Duke University
  • Capital Adjustment Costs and the Low-Carbon Transition: How Effective are Net Zero Commitments. .....Anna-Maria Goeth, Humboldt University; Leopold Zessner-Spitzenberg, TU Wien; and Carolyn Fischer, World Bank Group
  • Pecuniary externalities on a transitioning electric grid. .....Charles Sims, The University of Tennessee; Scott Holladay, University of Tennessee; and Tim Roberson, The University of Tennessee
  • Optimal climate policy as if the transition matters. .....Frank Venmans, LSE; Simon Dietz, London School of Economics; and Emanuele Campiglio, University of Bologna
85. Health - Adaptive Behavior [Regular Session]
Friday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Independence C
  • Unlocking Resilience: Mitigating the Prenatal Air Pollution Exposure Effects via Postnatal Micronutrient Powders. .....Xuqian Ma, University of California, Berkeley; Lingling Hou, Peking University; Renfu Luo, Peking University; and Yuhang Pan, Peking University
  • Social Cost of Lifestyle Adaptation: Air Pollution and Outdoor Physical Exercise. .....Yichun Fan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Policy-induced Defensive Investment: the Role of Information in Reducing the Healthcare Burden of Air Pollution. .....Noah Miller, University of Southern California
86. Environmental Justice and Inequality [Regular Session]
Friday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Independence D
  • In-Kind Settlements, Pollution, and Environmental Justice. .....Bianca Ravani Cecato, The University of Ottawa; Almira Salimgarieva, Washington State University; and Phuong Ho, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
  • The Rural-Urban Environmental Inequality in China. .....Hui Zhou, University of Rhode Island, Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Economics; and Tao Zhou, Shandong University
  • Assessing energy-poverty-inequality-SDGs nexus using large-scale household data with cross-country forecasting. .....Minglai LI, City University of Hong Kong & Xi'an Jiaotong University; Lin Zhang, City University of Hong Kong; Qiang Li, City University of Hong Kong; and Cong LI, Xi'an Jiaotong University
87. Temperature and Weather [Regular Session]
Friday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Independence E
  • Do microclimates matter? The health impacts of urban heat using fine-scale data. .....Luorao Bian, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • The Urban Climate Effect on Land Value in the Chesapeake Bay Area. .....Junyi Hua, City University of Macau; H. Allen Klaiber, Ohio State University; and Douglas Wrenn, Pennsylvania State University
  • Global inequalities in weather forecasts. .....Manuel Linsenmeier, Columbia University; and Jeffrey Shrader, Columbia University
  • Wavy summer jet stream affects the global economy through co-occurring weather extremes. .....Abbie Boatwright, The University of Arizona; and Derek Lemoine, University Of Arizona
88. Climate Adaptations [Regular Session]
Friday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Independence F
  • Adaptation to Climate Change Through Mortgage Default and Prepayment. .....Yongheng Deng, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Congyan Han, University of Wisconsin - Madison; Teng Li, Sun Yat-sen University; and Timothy Riddiough, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • Climate Adaptation Infrastructure and Gentrification. .....David Kelly, University of Miami; Renato Molina, University of Miami; and Christopher Timmins, University of Wisconsin, Madiso
  • The Causes and Consequences of Urban Heat Islands. .....Tridevi Chakma, Harvard University; Jonathan Colmer, University of Virginia; and John Voorheis, US Census Bureau
  • Long-term Temperature Effect on Air Conditioning Adoption. .....Hongliang Zhang, Renmin University of China
89. Carbon Sequestration [Regular Session]
Friday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Independence G
  • More Than Just Carbon: The Socioeconomic Impact of Large-Scale Tree Planting. .....Jeffrey Pagel, London School of Economics and Grantham Research Institute; and Lorenzo Sileci, London School of Economics
  • Efficiency Gains from Coordinating Carbon Sequestration Incentives. .....Roberto Amaral de Castro Prado Santos, UCSB; Linus Blomqvist, University of California, Santa Barbara; Laurel Abowd, University of California, Santa Barbara; Jason Jon Benedict, University of California, Santa Barbara; Catharina Latka, University of California, Santa Barbara; Kathy Baylis, University of California, Santa Barbara; Robert Heilmayr, University of California, Santa Barbara; and Andrew Plantinga, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Carbon prices and forest preservation over space and time in the Brazilian Amazon. .....Juliano Assuncao, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro; Lars Hansen, University of Chicago; Todd Munson, Argonne National Laboratories; and Jose Scheinkman, Columbia University in the City of New York, Department of Economics
  • Carbon Trading Programs for Afforestation: Interactions with Federal Agricultural Conservation Programs. .....Youngho Kim, University of Maryland at College Park; Erik Lichtenberg, University of Maryland; David Newburn, University of Maryland, College Park; and Derek Wietelman, University of Maryland
90. Floods [Regular Session]
Friday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Independence H
  • Expecting Floods: Firm Entry, Employment, and Aggregate Implications. .....Ruixue Jia, University of California, San Diego; Xiao Ma, Peking University; and Victoria Wenxin Xie, Santa Clara University
  • Sacrifice for the Greater Good: Welfare and Distributional Impacts of Flood Detention Basins in China. .....Yuxiao Hu, lse
  • Household exposure, vulnerability, and ability to respond to Nigeria’s 2012 floods. .....Mook Bangalore, UC-Santa Barbara; and Thomas McDermott, NUI Galway
  • Is the National Flood Insurance Program bad for salmon?. .....Sunny Jardine, University of Washington
91. Households and Families [Regular Session]
Friday | 3:00 pm-4:30 pm | Independence I
  • The Gender Land Gap from Agricultural Transition: Evidence from Brazil. .....Rafael Araujo, FGV EESP; Bruna Borges, FGV EESP; Francisco Costa, University of Delaware; and Kelly Santos, FGV EESP
  • The impacts of natural resource extraction on women and children: Evidence from Mali, Senegal, and Zambia. .....Odmaa Narantungalag, University of Denver; Syed Hasan, ABT Associates; and James Morrissey, Oxfam America
  • Bottle Redemption, Wealth Transfers, and Informal Wages. .....Maya Norman, Columbia University
  • Climate Change, Domestic Violence, and the Mitigating Impact of Climate Resilience Initiatives. .....Amanda Guimbeau, University of Sherbrooke; Xinde Ji, University of Florida; and Nidhiya Menon, Brandeis University

Index to Participants

Aarons, Joshua: 67
Abajian, Alexander: 10
Abowd, Laurel: 58 , 89
Ackerman, Caitlyn: 11
Adler, David: 56
Agarwal, Sumit: 62
Agerton, Mark: 28
Aguilar-Gomez, Sandra: 56
Akhundjanov, Sherzod: 43
Al-Ubaydli, Omar: 73
Albarracin, Dolores: 9
Albeke, Shannon: 42
Albers, H Jo: 46
Aldy, Joseph: 12
Amaral de Castro Prado Santos, Roberto: 89
Amaral de Castro Prado Santos, Roberto: 58
Anand, Vaibhav: 57
Andarge, Tihitina: 80
Andersen, Dana: 50
Anderson, Patrese: 46
Ang, Amanda: 24
Anthoff, David: 5 , 54
Araral, Eduardo: 62
Araujo, Rafael: 49 , 91
Archsmith, James: 65
Arnold, Trevor Dean: 20
Assuncao, Juliano: 89
Auffhammer, Maximilian: 29
Austin, Wes: 71
Avila-Uribe, Antonio: 67
Axhausen, Kay: 61
Bailey, Megan: 62
Baker, Justin: 22 , 69
Baluja, Robert: 10
Bangalore, Mook: 90
Barbier, Edward: 37
Barrett, Christoper: 17
Barrows, Geoffrey: 41
Bartels, Lara: 78
Barwick, Panle: 4
Basu, Sayahnika: 82
Bayham, Jude: 24
Baylis, Kathy: 34 , 46 , 58 , 89
Beatty, Lauren: 51
Behrer, Arnold: 68
Belfiori, Elisa: 35
Belova, Anna: 11
Beltran, Allan: 31
Benedict, Jason Jon: 89
Bennear, Lori: 12
Bento, Antonio: 18 , 19
Bernstein, David: 46
Berry, Kevin: 8
Bezy, Thomas: 75
Bian, Luorao: 87
Blomqvist, Linus: 89
Blonz, Joshua: 25
Blundell, Wesley: 28 , 74
Boatwright, Abbie: 87
Bogmans, Christian: 58
Bollinger, Bryan: 39
Boomhower, Judson: 75
Borges, Bruna: 91
Bos, Björn: 53
Bradt, Jacob: 4
Brent, Daniel: 55
Breshears, Elise: 30
Bressler, R.: 54
Bridges-Lyman, Thomas: 55
Brolinson, Becka: 62
Brown, David: 62
Brown, Zachary: 6
Brozovic, Nicholas: 7
Bryan, Calvin: 24
Bryant, Isaiah: 21
Bui, Linda: 71
Buriticá, Alexander: 56
Burnett, J.: 46 , 53
Burra, Lavan: 74
Burton, Michael: 70
Burtraw, Dallas: 41 , 64
Calel, Raphael: 41
Cameron Harp, Micah: 46
Campiglio, Emanuele: 25 , 84
Campolmi, Alessia: 77
Campoverde, David: 17
Cao, Jing: 7 , 41
Caplan, Arthur: 43
Cappa, Elisabetta: 46
Carattini, Stefano: 39
Cardenas-Diaz, Helena: 8
Caron, Justin: 25
Carson, Richard: 8
Casey, Gregory: 60
Cass, Leanne: 37 , 39 , 46
Cassidy, Alecia: 5 , 73
Castaneda, Brigitte: 37 , 82
Castro, Alberto: 61
Caviglia-Harris, Jill: 36
Cha, Yoojin: 2 , 42
Chakma, Tridevi: 88
Chan, Ron: 52
Chatterjee, Anomitro: 73
Chen, Jian: 39
Chen, Sizhuo: 31
Chen, Yifan: 80
Chen, Zhenshan: 9
Cherry, Todd: 17
Cheu, Sungmin: 33
Chlond, Bettina: 11
Cho, Chanheung: 6
Choi, Eseul: 6
Cirillo, Cinzia: 74
Colelli, Francesco: 19
Colmer, Jonathan: 18 , 88
Conte, Marc: 36
Córdoba, Daniela: 38
Cornachione, Egan: 55
Corona, Joel: 27
Costa, Francisco: 91
Coutellier, Quentin: 61
Covert, Thomas: 51
Cristina, Connolly: 2
Crowley, Christian: 3
Cui, Jian: 28
Curtis, Mark: 50
Da Mata, Daniel: 22
Dall'erba, Sandy: 69 , 81
Damania, Richard: 26
Daubanes, Julien: 25
Davis, Wade: 39
Day, Cheryl: 70
de Preux, Laure: 69
Dechezleprêtre, Antoine: 76
Del Rossi, Gemma: 46
Demeke, Bayou: 46
Deng, Yongheng: 88
DePaula, Guilherme: 6
Deyris, Jérôme: 25
Dhungel, Gaurav: 22
Di Maria, Corrado: 76
Dickson, Caleb: 83
Dickson, David: 20
Dietz, Simon: 20 , 84
Domeshek, Maya: 64
Dong, Luran: 29
Dong, Xinyang: 50
Dong, Zeyang: 65
Doruska, Molly: 17
Dotta, Mario: 22
Douglas, Daniel: 2 , 42
Drouven, Ina: 32
Druckenmiller, Hannah: 57
Drupp, Moritz: 53
Du, Xinming: 40
Du, Zhushan: 23
Duchovny, Noelia: 56
Dugoua, Eugenie: 32
Dundas, Steven: 70 , 78 , 83
Duong, Thao: 4
Earle, Andrew: 42
Earnhart, Dietrich: 22
Eash, Lisa: 46
Edenhofer, Ottmar: 54
Ehrhardt-Martinez, Karen: 11
Elhai, Coly: 5
Elliott, Robert: 40 , 80
Errickson, Frank: 54
Evans, Mary: 21
Fadinger, Harald: 77
Fan, Mingxuan: 62
Fan, Qin: 9
Fan, Yichun: 85
Fan, Ying: 30
Farja, Yanay: 68
Feldman, Paul J.: 23
Fell, Harrison: 51 , 63
Feng, Hongli: 23 , 39
Fernández Intriago, Luis: 82
Ferreira, Susana: 31
Fey, Suzanne: 6
Fischer, Carolyn: 77 , 84
Fisher-Vanden, Karen: 9
Forlati, Chiara: 77
Fotedar, Vanshika: 19
Fowlie, Meredith: 75
Frank, Eyal: 26
Franks, Max: 54
Fried, Stephie: 16 , 60
Friesen, Dimitris: 2 , 42
Fripp, Matthias: 52
Fronsdal, Toren: 5
Fuller, Emma: 26
Fullerton, Don: 55 , 61
Funk, Chris: 46
Ganguly, Diya: 23 , 66
Gao, Yang: 60
Garg, Teevrat: 73
Gazze, Ludovica: 21 , 51
Gellman, Jacob: 8 , 75 , 83
George, Voigt: 11
Gerarden, Todd: 39
Geruso, Mike: 3
Gessner, Johannes: 11
Gibson, John: 45
Gilbert, Ben: 28
Gillingham, Kenneth: 39
Gittard, Mélanie: 21
Gjerdseth, Emma: 78
Godwin, Victoria: 29
Goeschl, Timo: 11
Goeth, Anna-Maria: 84
Goetschi, Thomas: 61
Gomez Trejos, Felipe Alberto: 29 , 38
Gong, Ziqian: 69
Gonzalez, Ivan: 17
Gopalakrishnan, Sathya: 79
Gosnell, Greer: 61
Goulder, Lawrence: 77
Gourevitch, Jesse: 75
Graff Zivin, Joshua: 56
Greenstone, Michael: 51
Gross, Kevin: 6
Gruner, Friedemann: 54
Guignet, Dennis: 71
Guimbeau, Amanda: 91
Gulati, Sumeet: 59
Guo, Shiqi: 80
Guo, Wei: 29
Guo, Yifeng: 79
Gupta, Anubhab: 79
Gurgel, Angelo: 72
Gurguc, Zeynep: 61
Habla, Wolfgang: 11
Hacker, Sally D.: 78
Hadziomerspahic, Amila: 70
Hagerty, Nick: 33
Hameed, Rida: 46
Han, Congyan: 88
Han, Jaeyong (Danny): 16
Han, Xianru: 69
Hanemann, Michael: 8
Hansen, Lars: 89
Haoluan, Wang: 20 , 69
Hardman, Ian: 18
Harris, Lena: 7
Hasan, Syed: 91
Hashida, Yukiko: 31 , 46 , 79
He, Guojun: 68
Heffron, Raphael: 82
Heilmayr, Robert: 34 , 58 , 89
Heimerdinger, Anton: 39
Hendricks, Nathan: 46
Hener, Timo: 32
Hennighausen, Hannah: 8
Hernandez-Cortes, Danae: 16 , 36 , 49
Herrnstadt, Evan: 56
Heutel, Garth: 45
Hibiki, Akira: 57
Hidalgo-Gonzalez, Patricia: 52
Hill, Elaine: 67
Hintermann, Beat: 61 , 76
Ho, Mun: 41
Ho, Phuong: 77
Ho, Phuong: 86
Hoang, Anh: 71
Hoffman, Elizabeth: 39
Holladay, Scott: 32 , 63 , 84
Hopkins, Caroline: 31
Hoque, Mohammad Mainul: 83
Hori, Takeo: 52
Hou, Lingling: 46 , 85
Howard, Gregory: 70
Howes, Cooper: 25
Hrozencik, R. Aaron: 7 , 19 , 33
Hsiang, Solomon: 6
Hu, Irène: 21
Hu, Qihui: 80
Hu, Wuyang: 70
Hu, Yuxiao: 90
Hua, Junyi: 87
Huang, Qing: 46
Hultgren, Andrew: 6
Hutchens, Andrew: 51
Hyde, Timothy: 9
Hyun, Minwoo: 82
Ibragimova, Nargiza: 59
Iftekhar, Md Sayed: 70
Imtiaz, Isra: 72
Iovanna, Rich: 23
Jacqz, Irene: 27
Jageler, Jared: 56
Jardine, Sunny: 90
Jegard, Martin: 41
Jehn, Megan: 16
Jeon, Woongchan: 60
Jerch, Rhiannon: 53
Jeuland, Marc: 11
Ji, Xinde: 27 , 91
Ji, Yikuan: 53
Ji, Yongjie: 83
Jia, Ruixue: 90
Jiang, Zhigao: 28
Jin, Xin: 32
Johnson, Jeremiah: 51
Johnson, Kathryn: 46
Johnston, Robert: 20 , 42 , 70
Jordan Wilson, Andrew: 54
Jordan, Felipe: 58
Jung, Suhyun: 34
Kaffine, Daniel: 63
Kajaria, Swaty: 31
Kalkuhl, Matthias: 54 , 64
Karnazova, Lilia: 45
Karney, Daniel: 17
Karplus, Valerie: 51
Karwowski, Nicole: 33
Kawaguchi, Daiji: 19
Kay, Owen: 35
Kearsley, Aaron: 3
Kellner, Maximilian: 64
Kellogg, Ryan: 38
Kelly, David: 88
Keohane, Nathaniel: 12
Kesternich, Martin: 11 , 17
Khalifa, Ahmed: 73
Khanna, Neha: 16
Kilian, Lutz: 38
Kim, Hyunjung: 42
Kim, Youngho: 89
Kiribrahim, Ozgen: 45
Kiso, Takahiko: 35 , 52
Klaiber, H. Allen: 87
Klemick, Heather: 71
Klopack, Ben: 8
Ko, Yi-Chun: 57
Kögel, Noah: 64
Kolstoe, Sonja: 70
Kousky, Carolyn: 75
Krause, Eleanor: 18
Kraynak, Daniel: 18
Kumar, Deepak: 79
Kuminoff, Nicolai: 28
Kunze, Konstantin: 67
Kuralbayeva, Karlygash: 31
Kuschnig, Nikolas: 58
Kuwayama, Yusuke: 2 , 42
Kwon, Hyuk-soo: 4
Kyveryga, Peter: 6
La Nauze, Andrea: 53 , 80
Landry, Craig: 79
Lang, Corey: 29
Lang, Simon: 25
Lara, Gabe: 46
Larson, Kelsey: 23
Latka, Catharina: 34 , 58 , 89
Lazarus, Eli: 5
Leard, Benjamin: 77
Leduc, Sylvain: 10 , 60
Lee, Seowoo: 46
Lee, Seunghoon: 75
Lei-Parent, Rachel: 20
Lemoine, Derek: 87
Lemus, Jorge: 73
Leroutier, Marion: 76
Lessmann, Kai: 54
Levinson, Arik: 12
Lewis, Eric: 8
Lewis, Lynne: 70
LI, Cong: 86
Li, Honglin: 57
Li, Liqing: 19
LI, Minglai: 86
Li, Qiang: 86
Li, Qingran: 27
Li, Shanjun: 4
Li, Teng: 88
Li, Wenying: 69
Li, Yanggu: 44
Li, Zhiyun: 24 , 63
Liang, Yuanning: 68
Liao, Yanjun: 57
Lichtenberg, Erik: 89
Liedo, Pedro: 30
Lin, Mengwei: 59
Lindley, Sarah: 42
Linn, Joshua: 74
Linsenmeier, Manuel: 58 , 87
Liu, Gorden: 40
Liu, Meng: 40
Liu, Mengdi: 80
Liu, Pengfei: 44 , 46
Liu, Yifei: 52
Liu, Ziheng: 46
Lobell, David: 6
Lohawala, Nafisa: 30
Löschel, Andreas: 17
Lowe MacKenzie, Ashley: 83
Lu, Qinan: 46
Luco, Fernando: 8
Luke, Max: 27
Lundberg, Clark: 27
Lunghi, Jacopo: 40
Luo, Renfu: 85
Lupi, Frank: 46
LYU, Ye: 59
Lyubich, Eva: 18
Ma, Lala: 67
Ma, Xiao: 90
Ma, Xuqian: 85
Madhok, Raahil: 34 , 59
Maguire, Karen: 46 , 63
Malik, Khyati: 17
Malloy, Christopher: 63
Mandia, Jasdeep: 9
Maniloff, Pete: 76
Manning, Dale: 22 , 37
Marable, Trenton: 42
Marcus, Michelle: 71
Margolit, Rebecca: 71
Marr, Alexandra: 31
Marshall, Guillermo: 73
Martin, Ralf: 61
Martínez, Jose María: 56
Mathes, Sophie: 49
Mavrothalassitis, Filippo: 27
Mbaye, Samba: 17
McCormack, Kristen: 56
McDermott, Thomas: 90
McDonald, Gavin: 58
McEvoy, David: 17
McMahon, Katie: 46
McNamara, Dylan: 79
McRae, Shaun: 30
Meeks, Robyn: 73
Meier, Sarah: 40
Melkani, Aakanksha: 7
Menon, Nidhiya: 91
Messer, Kent: 23 , 66
Meyer, Andrew: 5
Mieno, Taro: 7
Miller, Noah: 85
Mishra, Prakash: 34
Moeltner, Klaus: 46
Mohr, Tanga: 17
Molina, Renato: 88
Molloy, Joseph: 61
Morehouse, John: 45
Morris, Jennifer: 72
Morrissey, James: 91
Motohashi, Kazuki: 20
Muehlegger, Erich: 65
Muehlenbachs, Lucija: 38
Mueller, Rosie: 71
Mueller, Valerie: 49 , 82
Muller, Nicholas: 51
Mulungu, Kelvin: 22
Munkholm Andersen, Christina: 32
Munnings, Clayton: 77
Munson, Todd: 89
Muuls, Mirabelle: 61
Mwebaze, Paul: 78
Myers, Erica: 62
Nakamura, Shotaro: 72
Narantungalag, Odmaa: 91
Nasim, Sanval: 72
Ndebele, Tom: 20
Nehiba, Cody: 4
Nehra, Arpita: 43
Neidell, Matthew: 56
Nemati, Mehdi: 66
Newbold, Stephen: 42
Newburn, David: 20 , 89
Nino, Gustavo: 8
Niu, Shilei: 46
Noack, Frederik: 50
Norman, Maya: 64 , 91
Novan, Kevin: 60
Ohrn, Eric: 50
Oladi, Reza: 43
Oliver, Matthew: 29
Ollivier, Helene: 41 , 76
Olmstead, Sheila: 2 , 42
Orgill Meyer, Jennifer: 82
Ortiz-Bobea, Ariel: 24 , 63
Osipenko, Maria: 28 , 74
Padilla-Romo, Maria: 32
Pagel, Jeffrey: 89
Pagnotta, Monica: 11
Pahle, Michael: 41
Pakhtigian, Emily: 82
Palma, Marco: 66
Palmer, Karen: 12 , 64
Pan, Yuhang: 68 , 85
Pannell, David: 70
Parsons, George: 42
Patel, Praharsh: 46 , 55
Paustian, Matthias: 46
Pavanello, Filippo: 43
Penn, Jerrod: 70
Peterman, William: 60
Phaneuf, Daniel: 2 , 42
Picciotto, Isabelle: 33
Pindilli, Emily: 3
Pinter, Frank: 4
Plantinga, Andrew: 58 , 75 , 89
Pless, Jacquelyn: 73
Polasky, Stephen: 26
Pond, Zac: 83
Prest, Brian: 54
Price, Michael: 73
Priestley, Sam: 66
Pullabhotla, Hemant: 68
Qin, Yu: 62
Qiu, Yueming (Lucy): 28
Qiu, Yun: 40
Qu, Chenfei: 77
Quemin, Simon: 41
Raff, Zach: 5 , 22
Rana, Pushpendra: 59
Rao, Deyu: 59
Rapson, David: 38 , 65
Ravani Cecato, Bianca: 86
Reale-Hatem, Matthew: 68
Reid, Jack: 34
Ren, Yongwang: 2
Rennels, Lisa: 54
Rezaee, Arman: 72
Rezai, Armon: 35
Ribeiro Cardoso, Andre: 30
Rice, Charles: 46
Richardson, Leslie: 70
Richter, Philipp: 65
Riddiough, Timothy: 88
Ridley, William: 81
Rimsaite, Renata: 7
Rising, James: 20
Rivera, Nathaly: 49
Robalino, Juan: 38
Roberson, Tim: 84
Roberts, Michael: 6 , 52
Roche, Maxime: 69
Rogers, Abbie: 70
Rohner, Dominic: 50
Rohr, Jason: 17
Roitberg, Tal: 46
Romelli, Davide: 25
Rose, Steven: 72
Rosenberg, Alexander: 11
Rosenberg, Andrew: 33
Rostapshova, Olga: 51
Roth, Sefi: 32 , 67
Rottner, Elisa: 19 , 65
Rouhi Rad, Mani: 19 , 79
Roy, Nicholas: 64
Rubin, Edward: 21
Ruebenacker, Benjamin: 11
Ruggiero, Peter: 78
Rutherford, Thomas: 5
Sager, Lutz: 53 , 65
Salimgarieva, Almira: 86
Sandro, Steinbach: 2
Santos, Kelly: 91
Sarkar, Sampriti: 46
Sarmiento, Paula: 46
Sato, Misato: 39
Saulnier, Emmett: 21 , 45
Saussay, Aurélien: 39
Scalisi, Ginevra: 25
Schaller, Jessamyn: 21
Scheinkman, Jose: 89
Schipper, Burkhard: 38
Schively, Greg: 52
Schlenker, Wolfram: 6 , 64
Schoeman, Beaumont: 61
Schreiber, Andrew: 76
Schwabe, Kurt: 66
Seaberg, Luke: 39
Sears, Molly: 33
Segerson, Kathleen: 26
Severnini, Edson: 22 , 80
Shadbegian, Ron: 71
Shadbegian, Ron: 71
Shaffer, Blake: 62
Shang, Chen: 46
Sheldon, Tamara: 53
Shen, Mingzhou: 9
Sheriff, Glenn: 16
Shi, Jian: 44
Shih, Jhih-Shyang: 64
Shr, Yau-Huo (Jimmy): 2
Shrader, Jeffrey: 3 , 54 , 87
Shu, Yunyu: 6
Shui, Jessica: 62
Sieler, Roman: 76
Siikamaki, Juha: 26
Sileci, Lorenzo: 89
Sims, Charles: 84
Skidmore, Marin: 33
Slusarewicz, Joanna: 51
Smith, Martin: 79
Smulders, Sjak: 41
Snell, Harrison: 46
Snyder, Max: 75
Song, Feng: 28
Song, Ruozi: 18
Song, Zhenyan: 64
Sonno, Tommaso: 50
Spiller, Beia: 36
Springborn, Michael: 78
Stainier, Paul: 45
Stechuk, SunLee: 55 , 61
Stern, Lennart: 64
Stillger, Sabine: 77
Stoerk, Thomas: 20
Stolper, Samuel: 36
Strabo, Frederik: 78
Strobl, Eric: 40
Sue Wing, Ian: 43
Suhr Pierce, Julie: 23
Sum, Sandy: 55
Sun, Xiaochen: 52
Surendra, Vaishnavi: 57
Swedberg, Kristen: 27
Sweeney, Stuart: 46
Swinton, Scott: 46
Ta, Chi: 73 , 79
Taherkhani, Mohsen: 78
Tallis, Heather: 26
Tam, Jennifer: 71
Tanaka, Takanao: 19
Tang, Chuan: 79
Tanner, Sophia: 46 , 63
Tanvir, Rakeen: 46
Tarduno, Matthew: 35
Taylor, Charles: 40
Taylor, Michael: 55
Tchervenkov, Christopher: 61
Theising, Adam: 27
Timmins, Christopher: 16 , 88
Tipoe, Eileen: 31
Tiwari, Anshuman: 81
Tokimatsu, Koji: 81
Tomic, Uros: 61
Towe, Charles: 9
Toya, Michiyoshi: 20
Traeger, Christian: 60
Traeger, Christian: 60
Tregeagle, Daniel: 6
Triantafyllou, Vaios: 46
Tripathy, Pratyush: 34
Tsao, Shu-Chen: 23
Tyndall, Justin: 4
Uchida, Shinsuke: 57
Upton, Gregory: 28
Uz, Dilek: 19
van 't Veld, Klaas: 17
van der Meijden, Gerard: 58
Vashold, Lukas: 58
Vaudrey, Jaime: 20
Venmans, Frank: 84
Vienne, Veronica: 76
Viers, Joshua: 42
Vincenzi, Marco: 46
Vindas Quesada, Alberto: 38
Vo, Mike: 2
Vollebergh, Herman: 41
Vollmer, Drew: 39
von Graevenitz, Kathrine: 19 , 65
Voorheis, John: 18 , 88
Vreugdenhil, Nicholas: 28
Wagner, Ulrich: 11 , 77
Walls, Margaret: 57
Wan, Xibo: 2
Wang, Banban: 64
Wang, Can: 50
Wang, Lingxiao: 66
Wang, Mingzhe: 46
Wang, Wen: 43
Wang, Yinxiao: 32
Wang, Yixuan: 43
Wang, Yucheng: 32 , 74
Wang, Zhenxuan: 73 , 84
Wang, Zhi: 44
Wardle, Arthur: 5
Warziniack, Travis: 46
Watson, Brett: 8
Weber, Paige: 16
Weber, Stephanie: 4
Weill, Joakim: 25 , 78
Weintraut, Ben: 16
Wells, Kaylee: 83
Wen, Kaiyi: 16
Wengrove, Meagan E: 78
Wenz, Leonie: 29
Werthschulte, Madeline: 11
Wheeler, Laurel: 38
Wheeler, William: 80
Whitehead, John: 70
Whittington, Dale: 8
Wibbenmeyer, Matthew: 83
Wichman, Casey: 10 , 55 , 73
Wietelman, Derek: 20 , 73 , 89
Williams, Zachary: 79
Wilson, Daniel: 10
Wilson, November: 31 , 62
Winikoff, Justin: 46 , 63
Winston, Clifford: 74
Withagen, Cees: 58
Woerman, Matt: 41
Wolak, Frank: 18 , 62
Wood, Danielle: 34
Wrenn, Douglas: 9 , 24 , 31 , 87
Wu, Fan: 5
Wu, Libo: 28
Wu, Qingyang: 24
Wu, Xiurou: 72
Xiao, Nan: 40
Xie, Victoria Wenxin: 90
Xing, Jianwei: 68
Xu, Daniel: 39
Xu, Mingwei: 44
Xu, Yilan: 81
Yang, Lin: 59
Yim, Hyungsun: 69
Young, Robin: 57
Yu, Alex: 32
Zahur, Nahim: 4
Zakaria, Ahamed: 66
Zaman, Rafia: 11
Zapata-Moran, Irene: 46
Zappalà, Guglielmo: 37
Zeising, Tom: 59
Zeng, Xinyu: 46
Zessner-Spitzenberg, Leopold: 84
Zhang, Bing: 18 , 80
Zhang, Hongliang: 88
Zhang, Jiaqi: 80
Zhang, Jiayue: 6
Zhang, Lin: 86
Zhang, Naifu: 28
Zhang, Qinghua: 44
Zhang, Ruohao: 2
Zhang, Wei: 44
Zhang, Wendan: 74
Zhang, Wendong: 2 , 63
Zhang, Yiyuan: 5
Zhang, Yu: 7 , 41
Zhang, Yuetong: 46
Zheng, Huanhuan: 62
Zheng, Jiameng: 2 , 42 , 66
Zheng, Rangrang: 52
Zheng, Siqi: 75
Zhong, Zheng: 68
Zhou, Hui: 86
Zhou, Li-An: 44
Zhou, Tao: 86
Zhou, Yang: 28
Zhu, Junming: 46
Zhu, Kunxin: 46
Zou, Eric: 68
Zucker, Ariel: 33
Zuluaga, Victor: 56